Trusts and Estates Lawyers

The formation of Trusts and Estates are the two most prevalent ways of transferring your assets to your heirs and other beneficiaries. Cranko Karp Attorneys are specialists, with extensive experience in the Trusts and Estates Planning and Administration field. We promise practical advice tailored to every client we serve. We assist clients with estate planning, structuring of wills and the appointment of trustees.


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Estate planning is a once-off process, where assets are transferred after death to the beneficiaries, hence it is solely to effect a once-only distribution of the assets of the deceased. As soon as the assets have been distributed, the estate is regarded as having been finalised. Cranko Karp & Associates offers sound understanding of estate law, enabling us to manage your private wealth and family business effectively. Our expert estate planning attorney can advise you and assist you in the preparation of wills and other estate matters such as:

  • Drafting of Wills
  • Choosing an executor of a Will
  • Administration of deceased estates
  • Executorship
  • Submitting Documents to the Master of the High Court
  • Powers of Attorney


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A trust can be used to protect assets so that future generations will benefit. Trusts are usually created with a specific purpose in mind and they have conditions, for example, a trust for minor children until they come of age. It is the responsibility of the trustee to ensure that the beneficiaries comply with the terms determined by the grantor. Trusts enable a grantor to effect a recurring transfer of assets, before and after your death.

Below are some of the reasons why people create trust accounts:

  • Preserving and managing assets for minors with limited ability to protect their own assets
  • Estate Tax planning
  • Preserving family assets
  • Shielding assets from potential creditors because the trust will own the assets
  • Setting up a fund for your support in the event of incapacity

Types Of Trusts

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    • The type of trust created will differ for every individual because it depends on what the grantor is trying to accomplish. Trust creation can be complex and must be discussed with one of our trusted legal advisors who will explain how best to structure it.
    • Some examples of trusts that can be created include:
    • Inter Vivos trusts or living trusts
    • Testamentary trusts, commonly referred to as will trusts
    • Employee share incentive trusts
    • Charitable trusts
    • Educational trusts
    • Irrevocable trusts

Why Work With Us

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    • We are impartial and have extensive experience in both trust administration and act as a trustee
    • We are dedicated professionals with deep knowledge and expertise. We guide clients through the most complex scenarios involving trust formation and estate planning
    • Our estate lawyer has years of experience in assisting our clients to protect and transfer their wealth
    • We have successfully represented thousands of clients and multiple generations in their Estate Planning and trust formations

Contact us today to discuss the formation of your trust, for estate planning or drafting of wills. We look forward to assisting you.

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